Most of my clients are young professionals from ages 25 to 35 years old however anyone, regardless of age, may invest in Pru Life UK. Personally, I look for people within this age range because they are highly insurable and they also have high insurable interest being mostly breadwinners of their families.
2. Is it "expensive" to invest in Pru Life UK?
No. You are the one who will determine the amount you want to invest. If you know that you can save at least P3,000 per month, you might as well invest it in this kind of financial instrument that yields higher interest (10% or more) than banks. Also, a lot of my clients tell me that they'd rather invest it here because if it's not very easy to withdraw - unlike in banks.
3. How much is the minimum amount of investment?
P5,000 (or more) per month is the most ideal amount of investment. However, if this is too high for you, I can create a proposal based on your desired amount of investment per month.
4. What are the benefits of this kind of investment?
This kind of investment called VUL (or Variable Unit Link) gives you investment plus insurance coverage. It's about hitting two birds at the same and making your money work double time. They say gone are the days when insurance policies only benefit the policyholder when the latter dies. Right now, VUL products have so many benefits even for the living.
For example, in the investment part of the VUL policy, your money can grow to as high as 10% per year. (In fact, it can grow higher than that but we can't guarantee that to the client since we are being regulated by the Insurance Commission. Insurance companies in the Philippines such as Pru Life UK, SunLife, PhilAm and etc. are mandated to present proposals showing only up to 10% growth of the policyholders money in the investment part.)
But that's only for the investment part. A VUL policy, is primarily an insurance policy. In the insurance part, Pru Life UK has corresponding fixed amounts of money for the following events which may occur to the insured.
- Death
- Total and permanent disability
- Accident that resulted to death and disability
- Diagnosed with one of the 36 diseases enlisted in the Life Care Benefit of Pru Life UK
- Confinement of at least 12 hours in a hospital
- Many more
You may read more about VUL in the website of the Insurance Commission of the Philippines itself. Click here.
5. Since there is an investment part to the VUL policy and it grows to as much as 10% per year, can I withdraw the money?
Yes. The fund value can be withdrawn but you must leave at least P20,000 so that the insurance part won't cease. To add, most of my clients choose to save for more than 16 years as they intend to use it for the college education of their children. Others intend to save for at least 20 years to be used for their retirement.
Entrusting your hard-earned money to Pru Life UK is entrusting your hard-earned money to a subsidiary of a financial services giant called Prudential plc which was established in London in 1848. During the year 1912, Prudential plc paid £14,239 for the 324 insured passengers who died in the Titanic tragedy.
Today, Pru Life UK's funds are being managed by the best retail fund manager in Asia called Eastspring Investments based in Singapore. The company was named Best Asset Management company in Southeast Asia from years 2012 to 2014.
To know more about this powerhouse team-up, click here.
7. I am ready to invest now. What is the first step?
We are ready to meet you. Call us at 0998-367-0545 or at 0905-347-4455.
We are ready to meet you. Call us at 0998-367-0545 or at 0905-347-4455.